Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Naked eyes Astronomy : Moon , Venus and Jupiter on June 16th

On June 16th I started my naked eyes observations in the dusk.
The colors were beautiful , I used the compact Collpix S3300 camera to record the view.
At the computer I used ''posterization'' to enhance the images.

The Moon at 12.4 % illumination.

The Moon at left , Venus at right with a contrail in between.

The Moon and Venus above the Western horizon.
The aparent distance between the two celestial bodies was quite close to four degrees.
So this encounter qualify to be an actual Conjunction.

Lady Luna ,alone and beautiful !

 Jupiter to the South .

The Moon and Venus on the darker sky !

Jupiter shining above the Mures River and of the ''Traian -Karoly'' Bridge.

A  last look at the Moon-Venus Conjunction...

 North of the Moon -Venus pair ,a starry pair start being visible : Castor and Pollux !

 Sometime the naked eyes Astronomy is providing the most rewarding observations.