Telescopul meu reflector tip Newton D=76mm F=700mm,dupa modernizare. Acesta a fost initial un telescop ''Optus'' comercializat(si de) reteaua Lidl. Inafara de optica din sticla si suportul din plastic al cautatorului,toate celelalte elemente ale tubului optic sunt confectionate din metal. Am testat telescopul pe obiecte ceresti .Am vazut ca rezolva Porrima in Virgo ,Epsilon 1-2 in Lyra si Alula Australis /Xi in Ursa Mare si mi-a prezentat patru sau cinci benzi pe Jupiter ,Syrtis Major si calota polara a lui Marte. Acest telescop e un supravietuitor! My three inch F/9 Newtonian reflector ,after revamping. This was initially an ''Optus'' telescop sold (also by) Lidl . Excepting the glass optics and the plastic finder support ,all other components are made of metal. I have tested the telescope on heavenly bodies and I find out it resolved double stars like Porrima in Virgo ,Epsilon 1-2 in Lyra and Alula Australis /Xi Ursae Majoris and it showed four or five belts on Jupiter ,Syrtis Major and the Polar Cap on Mars. This telescope is a survivor! |
Telescopul a avut ocularul cu axa orizontala.Am rotit portocularul cu 45 grade pentru pozitia recomandata de Herschel. De fapt am rotit cu 45 de grade axele orizontale care se aseaza in lagarele furcii. The telescope had the ocular in horizontal direction.I rotated the focuser with 45 degree to to position recommended by Herschel. Actually I rotated with 45 degree the horizontal trunions sitting in the fork. |
In constructia originala , tubul culisant al portocularului intra in fasciculul de lumina al oglinzii principale. Initially ,the draw tube of the focuser was obstructing the light of the primary mirror.
Am rezolvat aceasta obstructionare suparatoare taind tubul culisant al portocularului imediat la capatul dinspre oglinda secundara a cremalierei . I solved this annoying obstruction by cutting the draw tube of the focuser right at the end of the rack next to the secondary mirror. |
Detaliu al trepiedului din lemn ,de constructie proprie.Bratele de rigidizare sunt tot din lemn si sunt prinse in suruburi normale , suruburi cu carlig iar capul unui surub cu ochi joaca rolul de inel de asamblare. Detail of the DIY wooden tripod.The spreader arms are made of wood and assambled through normal screws , hook-screws while the head of an eyelet-screw is holding all together. |
Bucsa de nailon care forma ajustaj cu axa verticala a furcii nu mai exista.Am confectionat la un atelier de strungarie aceasta bucsa metalica ce formeaza ajustaj cu joc mic cu axul furcii.In acelasi timp ,prin diametrul sau ,bucsa va permite folosirea pe acelasi trepied a unui alt reflector mic si a unui lunete super RFT de 60mm F/4. The nylon bushing fitting the vertical shaft of the fork there is no more.A machining shop made this steel bushing matching the fork shaft.When deciding the diameter of the bushing, I had the choice to make the tripod available to be used by another small reflector and of a 60mm F/4 super RFT refractor. |
Trepiedul de constructie proprie nu mai este colapsabil decat pe directie radiala dar pe aceasta directie se poate inchide complet.
The DIY wooden tripod is only radially collapsible but by this direction it can be fully closed.
Portocularul ,desi de dimensiuni normale , a fost prevazut de catre proiectant cu o bucsa care permitea folosirea ocularelor de 24,5 mm.Acea bucsa a fost inlocuita cu o bucsa de aluminiu care permite folosirea ocularelor pe standard de 1.25''.
Ocularul din imagine este un ocular militar de tip Kellner cu focala de 40mm ,primit de la prietenul meu Silviu aka ''zoth''.La o marire de 17,5x ,ocularul cuprinde intreg roiul deschis al Pleiadelor M45 iar imaginea stelelor este foarte frumoasa ,punctiforma peste intregul camp vizual de doua grade. Even if the focuser is of normal size ,it was provided by design with a cap allowing the use of 0.965'' oculars. The original cap was replaced with an Aluminium cap allowing the use of 1.25'' oculars.
The ocular in this picture is a 40mm Kellnerian provided by my friend Silviu aka ''zoth''.At a magnification of 17.5 x ,it embrace the full open cluster of M45 or Pleiades ,while the images of the stars are pin pointed all across two degree visual field. |