Monday, April 6, 2015

Parghia binoculara,montura mea pentru binocluri / Bino Lever ,my binocular mounting

Inima pargiei binoculare ,parghia propriu-zisa si manerul-suport pentru binoclu.
Observati, pe maner ,saiba taiata dintr-o  cutie de lapte ,asa-numita ''milk jug washer''.
The heart of the Bino Lever ,the lever itself and the handle acting also as support for the binocular.
Notice,on the handle ,the so called ''milk jug washer''.

Alta vedere a parghiei si a manerului.Si sub umarul surubului de strangere a manerului se observa o saiba taiata din cutia de lapte.
Ambele saibe au fost unse cu vazelina si ajuta la  functionarea mai lina a monturii.
Another view of the lever and handle.Under the shoulder of the setting screw there is another ''milk jug washer''.
Both washers were greased with petrol jelly and help the smoother operation of the mounting.

''Parghia binoculara '' functioneaza pe montura ''Penelopa'' ,executata din armaturi de 1.5''.
The ''Bino Lever'' is working on the ''Penelopa'' pipe-mount made of 1.5'' fittings. 

Vedere dinspre oculare a ''Parghiei binoculare''.
A view from ocular end of the ''Bino Mount''.

Cate unul odata ,nu toate odata!
One at a time ,not all at the same time!

Contagreutatile cantaresc impreuna 1 kg si sunt suficiente pentru binoclurile modeste pe care le am.
The one kg counterweights are enough for the modest binoculars I own.

Oculare ,de sus in jos :Erfle -Erfle-Kellner-Kellner
Oculars,top down:Erfle -Erfle-Kellner-Kellner

Fujinon Mariner 7x50mm pe ''Parghia binoculara'',privind increzator spre Sud!
Fujinon Mariner 7x50mm riding the ''Bino Lever'' ,looking confidently South!

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