Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dobson si telescoapele sale pentru amatori/Dobson and his telescopes for amateurs

I published the following article in the  ORION'' magazine, year X ,number for May-June 1993, courtesy of comrades of astronomy hobby from  Bucharest Astronomy Club.
The 160mm telescope at F/9.2, mentioned in the article and built around an excellent Beches mirrors, is the one which appears in the title page of my blog.
False modesty aside, I think this was  the first of its kind built in Romania and my modest article is the first Romanian plea for the virtues of this popular telescope.
Dobson telescope was and remains the type of telescope that allows the easiest access to large apertures or the type of mount  most easily built at any aperture.
Congratulations to each ATM-er and user of these wonderfully simple and efficient telescopes,  with my  wishes for clear sky and wonderful stellar  views!
And do not forget, from time to time, to remember with a shred of gratitude of John Dobson!
Thank you John Dobson!

Am publicat  articolul de mai jos in revista ''ORION'' ,anul X , numarul din Mai-Iunie 1993, prin bunavointa camarazilor de hobby astronomic de la Astroclubul Bucuresti.
Telescopul de 16cm F/9.2, pomenit in articol si construit in jurul unei excelente oglinzi Beches ,este cel care apare in pagina de titlu a blogului  meu.
Lasand la o parte falsa modestie,cred ca telescopul cu pricina este primul de acest fel construit in Romania iar modestul meu articol este  prima pledoarie pe meleagurile noastre pentru virtutile acestui telescop popular.
Telescopul Dobson a fost si ramane in continuare tipul de telescop care permite accesul cel mai usor la aperturile mari sau este tipul de montura cel mai usor de construit la orice apertura.
Felicitari fiecarui constructor si utilizator al acestor minunat de simple si eficiente telescoape,odata cu urari de cer senin si minunate privelisti stelare!
Si sa nu uitam ,din cand in cand,sa ne amintim cu o farama de recunostinta de John Dobson!
Multumesc John Dobson!

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