In seara zilei de 23 Februarie am vazut o coroana lunara .
On the evening of 23 of February I saw a Moon Corona.
Dupa ce am facut cateva poze coroanei lunare , am fost curios sa vad daca aparatul compact Coolpix S3300,tinut in mana , este capabil sa inregistreze stele.
Iata mai jos doua incercari .
In prima poza,in centrul imaginii, se vad stele ale constelatiei Orion: Delta ,Epsilon si Zeta -celebra centura a lui Orion.Deasupra centurii se vad Betelgeus si Bellatrix.
Sub stelele centurii lui Orion se vad stelele din Theta 1 si Theta 2,fiecare unite intr-un obiect cu aspect stelar (presupun).
Iar sub ele se vede Kappa Ori la stanga si Rigel la dreapta.
Sub ramura bradului se vede Sirius si Mirzam din Canis Major.
Daca ducem o linie imaginara din Sirius prin Centura lui Orion ,vedem pe Aldebaran din Taurus.
After I took some pictures of the Moon Corona , I was curious to see if the handheld Coolpix S3300 compact camera is capable of recording stars.
Below are two attempts.
In the first picture, in the center of the image, one can see stars of the Orion constellation : Delta, Epsilon and Zeta -the stars of the famous Orion's belt.Above it are Betelgeus and Bellatrix.
Under the stars of Orion's belt one will see the stars of Theta 1 and of Theta 2 (I assume).
Bellow the Theta stars one is seeing Kappa Ori at left and Rigel at right.
At left,under the Cristmass tree branch is visible Sirius and Mirzam of Canis Major.
If you take an imaginary line from Sirius through Orion's Belt you will notice Aldebaran in Taurus,up at right.
In a doua poza ,se vad aceleasi stele ,mai putin complexul Theta din Orion.
In schimb ,la stanga -sus se vede Alhena ,adica Gamma Geminorum.
Sunt in mod structural un observator vizual al cerului instelat.
Am facut aceste experiente electro-digitale din curiozitate si ca divertisment.
In the second picture, one can see the same stars , less the stars of Theta complex in Orion.
Instead, up and left you can see Alhena or Gamma Geminorum.
I'm structurally a visual observer of the starry sky.
I made these electro-digital experiments out of curiosity and for entertainment.
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