Thursday, December 20, 2012

,,The Seasons Pictured-Anotimpurile ilustrate'' / Richard A. Proctor,1885

Title page/Coperta interioara

Earth presentation toward the Sun throughout the Year.
Expunerea Pamantului fata de Soare de-a lungul anului.

Sun-Earth reciprocal projection on the starry background of the Zodiac,throughout the Year.
Proiectia reciproca a Soarelui-Pamantului pe fundalul instelat al Zodiacului, de-a lungul anului.
Earth as seen from the Sun , dawn of Winter Solstice, at 6 a.m.
Pamantul vazut de pe Soare,dimineata Solstitiului de iarna,la ora 6 a.m.
Earth as seen from the Sun , noon of Winter Solstice, at 12 a.m.
Pamantul vazut de pe Soare,amiaza Solstitiului de iarna,la ora 12 a.m.
Earth as seen from the Sun , evening of Winter Solstice, at 6 p.m.
Pamantul vazut de pe Soare,seara Solstitiului de iarna,la ora 6 p.m.
Earth as seen from the Sun , midnight of Winter Solstice, at 12 p.m.
Pamantul vazut de pe Soare,miezul-noptii  Solstitiului de iarna,la ora 12 p.m.
The Sun's course in the zodiacal signs of Sagittarius-Capricornus .
Traiectoria Soarelui in semnele zodiacale ale Sagetatorului- Capricornului.
Sun's diurnal course throughout the Year.
Traiectoria diurna a Soarelui de-a lungul anului.
Zodiacal constellations of Capricornus-Sagittarius.
Constelatiile zodiacale ale Capricornului-Sagetatorului.
(Note:The boundaries of the constellations have changed from those in the time of Proctor)
(Nota:granitele constelatiilor au suferit schimbari fata de cele din vremea lui Proctor)

Link to download the full book from


...the Book of God before us set...
...Cartea Domnului in fata noastra asezata...

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