Sunday, July 26, 2015

Moon in Libra ,Saturn in Scorpius on 25 July 2015

Moon at right,Saturn at left on 25 July 2015.
Separation of  seven degree  and 9 minutes at 20:00 UT

Click on the picture to see ,apart of Moon at center and Saturn at center-left ,the stars Delta Scorpii at  left -bellow the leaves -and Pi Scorpii at low-left ,between cables.
At one o'clock direction from the Moon one will see the star Alpha 1+2 Librae or Zugenelgenubi , a very wide binocular star.

The Moon at right ,Saturn at center,Graffias at left and Delta Scorpii at low-left.
All pics taken by the author  with a hand-held Nikon Coolpix S3300 compact camera.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


                                       Sunday, 21 June 2015
                    Moon-at left , Jupiter -center right and Venus -at right=
                                      Triple   Conjunction !
                                  Celestial Snooker!(I hope not!)

Sweet memories : Moon-Jupiter-Venus Conjunction above the chimney of old Sugar Factory ,Sunday 21-st of June 2015

Monday 22-nd of June : enter main actors of June 2015 Conjunction ,Venus at center and Jupiter at left upper corner.

Monday 22 of June ,Jupiter and Venus are getting closer.

Another pic on 22-nd of June,one of my favorite.

Friday June 26 : light clouds framing
the Jupiter-Venus Conjunction.

26 of June.

Friday 26 June -the Moon  used as a celestial meter stick is showing :
 distance between Jupiter and Venus = 4.607 times her diameter or 152 arc minutes.

At left or South of Venus it is visible the ghostly Jupiter .
Picture taken on Friday 26 June , with a Smiley A5 phone.

The Moon in the Smiley A5 phone.
Not exactly the right picture to look for the landing sites of Apollo missions.

The Jupiter-Venus Conjunction at peak on Tuesday ,June 30.

30 June 2015: at the moment of my observations ,the distance between Jupiter and Venus was of 24 minutes according to my calculations.

Jupiter-Venus Conjunction in my 60x 828 mm refractor ,at 33x /Sirius 25mm Plossl.

Jupiter -Venus Conjunction on 30 June ,as seen through my 60 x 828 mm at 110 x / Celestron ''orange'' 7.5 mm Plossl.
Note the Jovian moon Callisto close to the Western limb of Jupiter.

The first man-made triple planetary  conjunction :
Street corner-Venus-Jupiter ,03 July 2015.

03 July : brighter Venus at left /South
and dimmer Jupiter at right /North.

Good by , June 2015 Jupiter-Venus Conjunction !

All pics were taken with a hand held Nikon Coolpix S3300 camera by the author and are  in public domain.