Saturday, October 31, 2015

59 CYGNI , SIGMA 2741 , 17 CYGNI

Multiple star 59 Cygni , or Sigma 2743 , as seen in my 60x828mm refractor at 138 x / Baader Classic 6mm Ortho.
As understood in  a discussion on ''60mmtelescopeclub'' with Thomas Jensen , only the star at PA= 350 degree is actually a companion listed at a separation of 20,3 '' and mv= 9.5 in Burnham's ''Celestial Book''.
The other two companions , being of mv= 11.5 and mv=12, were out of reach of the 60mm refractor due to the strong Moon light.

This double star was seen on the same night in the Northern part of Cygnus but not identified.
The star was found to be Sigma 2741 on October 30 ,using the same gear.
The double star was not split but the two kissing Airy discs were clearly visible.
What a beautiful celestial gem!

17 Cygni is wide but very fine triple star due to the pinpoint but colorful companions.
Check it out!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Miercuri 28 Octombrie 2015 , la orele 5 dimineata , am facut cateva fotografii ale triplei conjunctii planetare Venus-Jupiter -Marte .
Am folosit  ''sapuniera'' mea ,aparatul foto digital compact Nikon Coolpix S3300 ,montat pe un trepied integral  metalic Velbon.
Wednesday 28 October  at about five o'clock in the morning ,I took a few pictures of the triple planetary conjunctions of Venus-Jupiter-Mars.
I used my Nikon Coolpix S3300 compact digital camera set on an all-metal Velbon tripod.

Venus-Jupiter-Mars Triple Planetary Conjunction on 28 Oct. 2015 ,
large field of  view at f=6,8mm F/4.2

Venus at middle  with  Jupiter above and Mars left-below.
Medium field size at f = 11,3mm F/5.6.

On original pics ,the light of Venus have a ''solar'' hue , that of Jupiter a cold-silvery color while Mars is fiery red.

The last two pics were taken  at f=27,6mm F/6.5,about maximum optical zoom.
Beautiful ,  impressive triple conjunction !

Friday, October 23, 2015

Soare,ceata,fum,toamna / Sun,Fog,Smoke,Fall

Pe drumul meu spre servici.
Cateva poze luate in dimineata zilei de 23 Octombrie 2015 cu telefonul Smiley A5.
Soarele abia vizibil prin ceata...ce imagine impresionanta!

On my way to work.
A few pics taken on the morning of October 23 with the Smiley A5 phone.
The Sun,hardly visible through the fog , what  an impressive view!

Poze si momente care nu  apartin Astronomiei...doar usor tangente cu Regina Stiintelor !
Pics and moments which don't belong to Astronomy...just lightly touch the Queen of the Sciences!

Misty sunrise on October 23 ,manipulated.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Catedrala Veche din Arad la 150 de ani de la sfintire

Programul manifestarilor la aniversarea a 150 de ani de la sfintirea Catedralei Vechi din Arad,aspect general

Programul manifestarilor de 150 de ani de la sfintirea Catedralei  Vechi din Arad,detaliu

Catedrala Veche Arad in dimineata zilei de Duminica 11 Octombrie 2015

Catedrala Veche Arad , fatada

Intrarea principala in Catedrala Veche din Arad

In pronaos

Liturghia Sfantului Ioan Gura de Aur , in plina desfasurare

Iconostasul Catedralei Vechi in timpul Proscomidiei

Prea Sfintia Sa Timotei , arhiepiscop al Aradului , binecuvanteaza

Evanghelia si icoana de inchinare


Prea Sfintia Sa Timotei  arhiepiscop al Aradului,Ienopolei si Halmagiului  , in timpul predicii tinute cu ocazia celor 150 de ani de la sfintirea Catedralei Vechi din Arad

Tronul imparatesc si un vitraliu

Celalalt tron imparatesc

Parastas intru pomenirea ctitorilor Catedralei Vechi

Parintele Traian Micoroi dand citire mesajului Inalt Prea Sfintiei Sale Patriarhul Daniel catre clerul si credinciosii Catedralei Vechi din Arad

Corul ''Armonia'' al Catedralei Vechi din Arad ,infiintat in 1919 ,95 de ani de activitate neintrerupta